Aaron Cohen

Hi there! My name is Aaron Gabriel Cohen. I was born on 10 June 2005 at 8:46pm in La Jolla, California.
My parents are Liza Perkins-Cohen and Jonathan Cohen. They take care of me and treat me right, or else I cry a lot.
So far life here on the outside is pretty nice, although I have to say I had it pretty good on the inside too: no breathing or nursing to worry about, and no need even to regulate my own temperature. Here's a picture of me from back in those days.
Here are some of my favorite things in life.
I'm still very fond of milk, but I have grown to like pancakes, berries, corn, and peas.
Favorite activities: I love cars and trucks of all kinds. I am also very interested in climbing steps.
Favorite animals: I go to the zoo reasonably often, where I enjoy looking at flamingoes and tigers, among other things. In truth, however, I am more interested in the zoo's double-decker busses and skytrams than in any of its animals.
For Halloween I dressed as a little devil. Go figure.

Pictures from my long-ago youth:

Not Me

Here's another person who shares my name.

Here is a movie that is not about me.