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Instructor: Jonathan Cohen (omit text in caps, which reduces
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office: (858) 534 6812
Office hours: Mondays 1-2:30 in H&SS 8072 (and by appointment;
please feel free to call)
This graduate seminar in philosophy will be devoted to themes emerging
from Saul Kripke's seminal work, Naming and Necessity.
This revolutionary book deserves its status as a classic of 20th
century philosophy not only for the substantive semantic and
metaphysical views it propounds, but also for the new methodological
tools it offers for doing philosophy.
For better or worse, both Kripke's substantive views and his new
philosophical tools have become extremely influential in almost every
subdiscipline of philosophy.
In short, it is difficult to do serious academic philosophy today
without taking positions on the sorts of things Kripke is up to in
Naming and Necessity.
In this seminar we'll attempt to grapple with this important work, first by reading it, and then through the study of two newer books that attempt to reconsider -- sometimes extending and sometimes retracting -- Kripkean lines of thought. The books that will be our central focus, then, are:
Presentation: All attendees (including auditors) will be required to lead seminar discussions at least twice. A presentation should be a critical discussion rather than a summary or book report (after all, the presenter can assume that other participants have done the reading, and the other participants will make it the case that such an assumption is correct!), and should contain a thesis and arguments for that thesis. It can concern any topic connected with the week's reading that is of interest to the presenter. You must discuss your presentation with me sometime before the session in which you present, just to make sure you're on the right track. Seminar presentations may be given using notes or overheads, but they may not be read aloud from a pre-written paper.
Participation and Short Papers: I want this seminar to be driven by discussion. But that can't happen unless we all come to seminar ready to participate. Therefore, students taking the course for credit will be required to hand in a short (1-2 page) paper every week. In each short paper, critically comment on any aspect of the reading that you find interesting --- again, no book reports. The purpose of these short papers is to force you to engage the reading in a serious way so that you'll be primed to participate actively in the discussion; use the papers to facilitate this goal, as a serious portion of your grade will be determined by seminar participation. I'll mark these short papers on a simple acceptable/unacceptable scale, and you must pass in 7 acceptable assignments to receive a passing grade for the course.
Final Paper: Students taking the course for credit will pass in a single 15 page paper by the end of the quarter (extensions will be granted only in cases of extreme emergency), on a topic of their own choosing that relates to the subject matter of the course. All such papers must be pre-approved in conversation with me. I mean it. Really.
I am deliberately putting extraordinary weight on seminar presentations and participation (emphatically including participation when you are not giving the presentation) as a way of encouraging you to do the reading and get actively involved in seminar discussions. You should come to seminar prepared to make substantive critical contributions every week.
Week | Topic | Reading | Presenter |
1-2 | Naming and Necessity | Kripke, Naming and Necessity | Jonathan Cohen |
3 | Frege's Puzzle, Frege and Russell on Propositional Content | Salmon, Frege's Puzzle Introduction, ch. 1-3 | Erik Jackiw |
4 | Frege's Puzzle Reconsidered | Salmon, Frege's Puzzle ch. 4-7 | Eric Campbell |
5 | Salmon's Solution | Salmon, Frege's Puzzle ch. 8-9 | James Messina |
6 | The Unfinished Agenda, Names and Rigidity | Soames, Beyond Rigidity ch. 1-2 | Eric Martin |
7 | Meaning and Names | Soames, Beyond Rigidity ch. 3-5 | Michael Tiboris |
8 | Propositional Attitudes | Soames, Beyond Rigidity ch. 6-7 | Melissa Johnson, Mitch Hershbach |
9 | Attitudes Again, Rigidity and General Terms | Soames, Beyond Rigidity ch. 8-9 | Matt Brown, Shaun McCollum |
10 | Natural Kind Terms and Names (Without Rigidity) | Soames, Beyond Rigidity ch. 10-11 | Ioan Muntean |