Conference Reading List

Below is a reading list assembled for the conference Color Perception: Philosophical and Scientific Perspectives. This list was compiled from suggestions by the conference participants. The hope is that, by gathering these materials in one place, participants will be able to read a bunch of them prior to the conference, and therefore will be in a good position to talk to each other when they arrive.

Each participant has recommended a few papers that, in his or her view, provide an accessible introduction to the topics within the conference themes that he or she is most interested in discussing.

Paper Recommended by Theme number
Kahleen Akins (1996) "On the 'Aboutness' of Sensory Systems," Journal of Philosophy 93(7): 337-372 Matthen4
Blaser, E., Pylyshyn, Z.W., Holcombe, A. (2000) Tracking an object through feature-space. Nature, v408, 196-199. D'Zmura4
David Brainard, James M. Kraft, and Philippe Longere, "Color Constancy: Developing Empirical Tests of Computational Models" from Mausfeld, R. & Heyer, D. (eds.), Colour Perception: From Light to Object. Oxford University Press, forthcoming MacLeod1
Alex Byrne and David Hilbert, "Color Realism and Color Science", (forthcoming in Behavioral and Brain Sciences). Cohen1
Jonathan Cohen, "Color Properties and Color Ascriptions: A Relationalist Manifesto" (draft; please do not cite) Cohen1
Don Dedrick, Naming the Rainbow: Colour Language, Colour Science, and Culture. Dordrecht: Kluwer, 1998. Jameson3
D'Zmura, M. (1991). "Color in visual search." Vision Research 31: 951-966. Hilbert3, 4
D'Zmura, M., Colantoni, P. & Hagedorn, J. (2001). Perception of color change. Color Research and Applications S26, S186-S191. D'Zmura4
D'Zmura, M., Colantoni, P., Knoblauch, K. & Laget, B. (1997). Color transparency. Perception 26, 471-492. D'Zmura4
C. L. Hardin, "Philosophy and Color", chapter 7 of Color for Science, Art, and Technology, ed. Kurt Nassau. Elsevier, 1998. Hardin1
C. L. Hardin, "Basic Color Terms and Basic Color Categories", Chapter 11 of Backhaus, Kliegl, and Werner, Color Vision: Perspectives from Different Disciplines. Walter de Gruyter, Berlin and New York, 1998. Hardin3
Gary Hatfield, "Objectivity and Subjectivity Revisited: Color as a Psychobiological Property" from Mausfeld, R. & Heyer, D. (eds.), Colour Perception: From Light to Object. Oxford University Press, forthcoming Mausfeld4
E. Hering, Outlines of a Theory of the Light Sense (trans. by L.M. Hurvich and D. Jameson), Harvard University Press, Cambridge, MA, 1920/1964. Chapter I. On the Nature of Colors. (pp. 1-24) Werner1, 3
E. Hering, Outlines of a Theory of the Light Sense (trans. by L.M. Hurvich and D. Jameson), Harvard University Press, Cambridge, MA, 1920/1964. Chapter II. The Natural Color System (pp. 25-65) Werner1, 3
E. Hering, Outlines of a Theory of the Light Sense (trans. by L.M. Hurvich and D. Jameson), Harvard University Press, Cambridge, MA, 1920/1964. Chapter X. Relations Between Chromatic Color Qualities and Frequency of Light Rays (pp. 287-309) Werner1, 3
Dorothea Jameson and Leo M. Hurvich (1978). "Dichromatic Color Language: `Reds' and `Greens' Don't Look Alike But Their Colors Do." Sensory Processes 2:146--155. Broackes1
Jameson, K.A., S. Highnote and L. Wasserman. (2001). "Richer Color Experience in Observers with Multiple Photopigment Opsin Genes." Psychonomic Bulletin and Review, 8(2), 244--261. Jameson1
Jameson, K. A. (under review). "Culture and Cognition: What is Universal about the Representation of Color Experience?" Jameson3
Kraft, J. M. and D. H. Brainard (1999). "Mechanisms of color constancy under nearly natural viewing." Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 96(1): 307-312. Hilbert1
Donald MacLeod, "Colour Discrimination, Colour Constancy, and Natural Scene Statistics" from J. D. Mollon, J. Pokorny, and K. Knoblauch (eds.), Proceedings of the Thomas Young Symposium of the International Colour Vision Society 2001. Oxford University Press, forthcoming MacLeod1, 4
Donald MacLeod, "Influence of Scene Statistics on Colour Constancy" Nature v415, pp 637--640, 2002 MacLeod1
Donald MacLeod and Jürgen Golz, "A computational analysis of colour constancy" from Mausfeld, R. & Heyer, D. (eds.), Colour Perception: From Light to Object. Oxford University Press, forthcoming Mausfeld, MacLeod4
Mohan Matthen, "The Disunity of Color," The Philosophical Review 107 (1999): 47--84. Matthen1
Rainer Mausfeld, "The dual coding of colour: 'Surface colour' and 'illumination colour' as constituents of the representational format of perceptual primitives" from Mausfeld, R. & Heyer, D. (eds.), Colour Perception: From Light to Object. Oxford University Press, forthcoming Mausfeld4
J. D. Mollon, "Cherries among the leaves: the evolutionary origins of color vision," from Steven Davis (ed.), Color Perception: Philosophical, Psychological, Artistic and Computational Perspectives. Oxford University Press, 2000. Byrne2
Thomas Nagel (1974). "What Is It Like to Be a Bat?", The Philosophical Review 83(4): 435-450. McLaughlin1
Dale Purves, online demonstrations of color phenomena. Hardin1, 3
W.V.O. Quine "Natural Kinds," from Quine, Ontological Relativity and Other Essays (Columbia, 1969) Matthen3
Regan, B. C., C. Julliot, et al. (2001). "Fruits, foliage and the evolution of primate colour vision." Phil. Trans. Royal Soc. London, Series B 356(1407): 229-283. Hilbert, Cohen2, 3, 4
Swain, M. J. and D. H. Ballard (1991). "Color indexing" International Journal of Computer Vision 7(1): 11-32. Hilbert3
Evan Thompson (1995). Colour Vision: A Study in Cognitive Science and the Philosophy of Perception. New York: Routledge. pp 1-37. McLaughlin1
Evan Thompson, "Comparative color vision: quality space and visual ecology," from Steven Davis (ed.), Color Perception: Philosophical, Psychological, Artistic and Computational Perspectives. Oxford University Press, 2000. Byrne1, 3, 4
Paul Whittle, "Contrast Colours", from Mausfeld, R. & Heyer, D. (eds.), Colour Perception: From Light to Object. Oxford University Press, forthcoming MacLeod1