Picture of me looking all serious and brooding about something.

Here is my curriculum vitae.


** PLEASE DESCRIBE THIS IMAGE ** The Red and The Real: An Essay on Color Ontology. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2009.
In this monograph I bring together and extend many of the themes and ideas I have been pursuing in article form for the past several years about the nature of color. In particular, the book is an extended elaboration and defense of color relationalism and role functionalism about color.
[google books] [oup, uk] [oup, usa] [amazon] [Honorable mention, 2011 APA Book Prize] [reviews: Adam Pautz (Notre Dame Philosophical Reviews); Barry Maund (Australasian Journal of Philosophy); Eyja M. Brynjarsdóttir (Metapsychology Online Reviews); Sarah Allred (Perception); Keith Allen (European Journal of Philosophy)]

	  of <i>Color Ontology and Color
	  Science</i> Color Ontology and Color Science (co-edited with Mohan Matthen). Cambridge, Massachusetts: MIT Press, 2010.

This anthology of philosophical and scientific papers on color grew out of a pair of interdisciplinary conferences on color held at UCSD in October 2002 and the University of British Columbia in October 2003.
[google books] [MIT Press] [amazon]

	  of Contemporary Debates in the Philosophy of Mind (co-edited with Brian McLaughlin). New York: Blackwell, 2007, 2023.
This volume of newly commissioned essays presents debates on fundamental issues by leading figures in philosophy of mind.
[google books] [wiley-blackwell] [amazon]


(These are all penultimate versions; for the final versions, see the journals in which they're published.)

On color

On perception

On language

On mind

On science

On aesthetics