Here is my curriculum vitae.
Red and The Real: An Essay on Color Ontology. Oxford: Oxford
University Press, 2009.
- In this monograph I bring together and extend many of the themes
and ideas I have been pursuing in article form for the past several
years about the nature of color. In particular, the book is an
extended elaboration and defense of color relationalism and role
functionalism about color.
books] [oup,
mention, 2011
APA Book Prize]
Pautz (Notre Dame Philosophical Reviews);
Maund (Australasian Journal of Philosophy);
M. Brynjarsdóttir (Metapsychology Online Reviews);
Sarah Allred (Perception);
Allen (European Journal of Philosophy)]
Ontology and Color Science (co-edited
with Mohan
Matthen). Cambridge, Massachusetts: MIT Press, 2010.
- This anthology of philosophical and scientific papers on color
grew out of a pair of interdisciplinary conferences on color held at
UCSD in October 2002 and the University of British Columbia in
October 2003.
Contemporary Debates in the Philosophy of Mind (co-edited with
McLaughlin). New York: Blackwell, 2007, 2023.
- This volume of newly commissioned essays presents debates on
fundamental issues by leading figures in philosophy of mind.
(These are all penultimate versions; for the
final versions, see the journals in which they're published.)
On color
- "Daylight savings: What an answer to the perceptual variation
problem cannot be,"
(with Eliot
Michaelson), Philosophical Studies 178(3):833-843, 2021.
- "Color
Relationalism" in Derek Brown and Fiona Macpherson
(ed.), 311-326, Routledge Handbook of Philosophy of Colour
Routledge, 2020.
- "Chromatic layering and
color relationalism". Minds and Machines
26(3): 287-301, 2016.
- "Ecumenicism,
comparability, and color, or: How to have your cake and eat it,
too" Minds and Machines (special issue on color), 25(2):
149-175, 2015.
- "Review of
M. Chirimuuta, Outside Color: Perceptual Science and the Puzzle
of Color in Philosophy" Notre Dame Philosophical
Reviews, 2015.
- "Redder
and Realer: Responses to Egan and Tye", Analytic
Philosophy 53(3): 313-326, 2012. (For a symposium on The
Red and The Real: An Essay on Color Ontology.)
- "Precis
of The Red and the Real: An Essay on Color Ontology",
Analytic Philosophy 53(3): 288-296, 2012. (For a
on The
Red and The Real: An Essay on Color Ontology.)
- "Redness, Reality, and
Relationalism: Reply to Gert and Allen" The Croatian
Journal of Philosophy (special issue on color and perception)
12(36): 351-378, 2012.
- "Color
Relationalism and Color Phenomenology", in Perceiving the
World, edited by Bence Nanay, 13-32. New York: Oxford
University Press, 2010.
- "Colors, Color
Relationalism, and The Deliverances of
Introspection" (with Shaun Nichols),
Analysis, 70(2): 218-228, 2010.
- "Introduction" (with Mohan
Matthen), in Color Ontology and Color Science, edited
by Cohen and Matthen, ix-xxiii. Cambridge, Massachusetts: MIT Press,
- "It's Not Easy Being Green: Hardin and
Color Relationalism", in Color Ontology and Color
Science, edited by Cohen and Matthen, 229-244. Cambridge,
Massachusetts: MIT Press, 2010.
- "Color" in The Routledge
Companion to Philosophy of Psychology, edited by John Symons
and Paco Calvo, 568-578. New York: Routledge, 2009.
- "Color Constancy as
Counterfactual", Australasian Journal of Philosophy,
86(1): 61-92, 2008. (Color figures for this paper, which did not
make it into the printed version in the journal, are
available here.)
- "A Relationalist's Guide to Errors About
Color Perception", Noûs, 41(2): 335-353,
- "The
Truth about `The Truth about True Blue'" (with C. L. Hardin
and Brian
McLaughlin), Analysis
67(294): 162-166, 2007.
- "Color, Variation, and the Appeal to
Essences: Impasse and Resolution", Philosophical
Studies, 133(3): 425-438, 2007.
- "True
Colors" (with C. L. Hardin
and Brian
McLaughlin), Analysis, 66(292): 335-340, 2006.
- "Color and Perceptual
Variation Revisited: Unknown Facts, Alien Modalities, and Perfect
Psychosemantics", Dialectica, 60(3): 307-319,
- "Colors, Functions, Realizers,
and Roles", Philosophical Topics, 33(1):117-140,
- "Color Properties and Color
Ascriptions: A Relationalist Manifesto", The Philosophical
Review, 113(4): 451-506, 2004.
- "Color: A Functionalist
Proposal", Philosophical Studies 113(1): 1-42,
- "Critical Study of Stroud's The
Quest for Reality", Noûs, 37(3): 537-554,
- "On The Structural Properties
of the Colors", Australasian Journal of Philosophy,
81(1): 78-95, 2003.
- "Perceptual Variation, Realism, and
Relativization, Or: How I Learned To Stop Worrying And Love
Variations In Color Vision (Open peer commentary on Byrne and
Hilbert, `Color Realism and Color Science')", Behavioral
and Brain Sciences, 26(1): 25-26, 2003.
- "A Guided Tour of Color",
for A
Field Guide to the Philosophy of Mind, edited by M. Nani
and M. Marraffa, 2001.
- "Color, Content, and Fred: On a Proposed Reductio of the Inverted
Spectrum Hypothesis", Philosophical Studies, 103: 121-144,
- "Subjectivism, Physicalism, or
None of the Above?: Comments on Ross's `The Location Problem for
Color Subjectivism'", Consciousness and Cognition,
10(1): 94-104, 2001.
- "Two Recent Anthologies on
Color", Philosophical Psychology, 14(1): 118-122,
- "Why Asymmetries in Color Space Can't Save Functionalism (open
peer Commentary on Palmer's `Color, Consciousness, and The
Isomorphism Constraint')," Behavioral and Brain Sciences
22(6): 950, 1999.
On perception
- "On locational sensory individuals and spacetime," Mind and Language, 40(1): 40-52, 2025.
- "Molyneux’s Question about Perceptual Knowledge" (with Mohan Matthen). Philosophy and the Mind Sciences 5:1-20, 2024.
- "Advances in the Study of Visual and Multisensory
Objects" (with Aleksandra Mroczko-Wąsowicz, Casey O'Callaghan, Brian
J. Scholl, and Phillip J. Kellman), in Proceedings of the
Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society, 2023.
- "Multimodal binding as mereological co-constiuency" in Aleksandra Mroczko-Wasowicz and Rick Grush (ed.), Sensory Individuals, Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2023.
"What was Molyneux's Question a Question
About?" (with Mohan
Matthen), in Gabriele Ferretti and Brian
Glenney (ed.), Molyneux's Question and the History
of Philosophy, 325-344. New York: Routledge, 2021.
- "Many Molyneux Questions"
(with Mohan
Matthen), Australasian Journal of Philosophy,
98(1):47-63, 2020.
- "Schellenberg on
perceptual capacities", Analysis, 79(4): 720–730, 2019.
- "Sensory substitution and
perceptual emergence"
in Sensory Substitution and Augmentation, edited by Fiona
Macpherson, 205-235. Oxford: Proceedings of the British Academy, 2018.
- "Synesthetic Perception as
Continuous With Ordinary Perception, or: We're All Synesthetes
Now" in Sensory
blendings: On synaesthesia and related phenomena,
edited by Ophelia Deroy, 59-83. New York: Oxford University Press,
- "Perceptual Integration,
Modularity, and Cognitive Penetration"
(with Dan
Burnston) in The Cognitive Penetrability of Perception: New
Philosophical Perspectives, edited by John Zeimbekis and
Athanassios Raftopoulos, 123-143. Oxford: Oxford University Press,
- "Perceptual
Constancy" in The Oxford Handbook
of Philosophy of Perception, edited by Mohan Matthen,
621-639. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2015.
- "Perceptual representation,
veridicality, and the interface theory of perception",
Psychonomic Bulletin & Review, 22(6): 1512-1518,
- "On the
limitations of blind
tasting," World of Fine
Wine 41: 74-81, September 2013.
- "Perception
of Features and Perception of Objects" (with Dan
Burnston), The Croatian Journal of Philosophy (special issue
on color and perception) 12(36): 283-314, 2012.
- "Computation and
the Ambiguity of Perception"
in Visual
Experience: Sensation, Cognition and Constancy, edited by Gary
Hatfield and Sarah Allred, 160-176. New York: Oxford University
Press, 2012.
- "Perception and
Computation", Philosophical Issues 20(1): 96-124,
- "Sounds and
Temporality" Oxford Studies in Metaphysics, 5:
303-320, 2010.
- "Objects, Places, and
Perception", Philosophical Psychology, 17(4):
471-495, 2004.
- "The Grand Grand
Illusion Illusion", Journal of Consciousness Studies,
9(5-6): 141-157, 2002.
- "Whither Visual Representations? Whither Qualia? (Open peer
commentary on O'Regan and Noe, `A Sensorimotor Account of Vision and
Visual Consciousness')," Behavioral and Brain Sciences,
24(5): 980-981, 2001
On language
- "Coherence and coherence establishment: Lessons from eliciture" (with Andrew Kehler), in Gerhard Preyer (ed.), Discourse and Coherence. Oxford: Oxford University Press, in press.
- "Conversational eliciture" (with Andrew Kehler) Philosophers' Imprint, 21(12): 1-26, 2021.
- "On convention and coherence"
(with Andrew Kehler) in
Gerhard Preyer (ed.), Beyond Semantics and Pragmatics,
261-283. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2018.
- "On the presuppositional
behavior of coherence-driven pragmatic enrichments" (with
Kehler), Semantics and Linguistic Theory, 26: 961-979, 2016.
- "Indexicality and the
Puzzle of the Answering Machine", Journal of
Philosophy 110(1): 5-32, 2013.
- "Indexicality and
The Answering Machine Paradox" (with Eliot Michaelson),
Philosophy Compass 8(6): 580-592, 2013.
- "On Collection and Covert
Variables" (with Ivano
Caponigro), Analysis, 71(3): 478-488, 2011.
- "Binding Arguments
and Hidden Variables" (with Sam
Rickless), Analysis, 67(293): 65-71, 2007.
- "Analyticity and Katz's New
Intensionalism: or, If You Sever Sense from Reference, Analyticity
is Cheap But Useless", Philosophy and Phenomenological
Research 61(1): 115-135, 2000.
On mind
- "A new obstacle for phenomenal contrast" (with Matthew Fulkerson), Phiulosophical Quarterly, in press.
- "The Agony of Reason: The Unsteady
Bond Between Suffering and Human Rationality"
(with Matthew
Fulkerson), Philosophy of Suffering: Metaphysics, Value,
and Normativity, edited by David Bain, Michael Brady,
and Jennifer Corns, 251-277. New York: Routledge, 2020.
- "Pain and Rationality"
(with Matthew
Fulkerson), The Routledge Handbook of Philosophy of
Pain, edited by Jennifer Corns, 235-244. New York: Routledge,
- "Affect,
Rationalization, and Motivation" (with Matthew
Fulkerson), The Review of Philosophy and
Psychology (special issue on pain and pleasure), 5(1): 103-118,
- "Introduction". In Contemporary
Debates in the Philosophy of Mind, edited by Cohen and
McLaughlin. New York: Blackwell, 2007.
- "Information and
Content". In Blackwell
Guide to the Philosophy of Information and Computing,
edited by Luciano Floridi, 215-227. New York: Blackwell,
- "Williamson on Knowledge and
Psychological Explanation" (with P. D. Magnus),
Philosophical Studies, 116(1): 37-52, 2003.
- "Holism: Some Reasons for Buyer's Remorse," Analysis,
59(2): 63-71, 1999.
- "Holism, Thought, and the Fate of Metaphysics: Counter-reply to
Heal," Analysis, 59(2): 79-85, 1999.
- "Frege and Psychologism", Philosophical Papers, 27(1):
45-67, 1998.
- "The Imagery Debate: A Critical Assessment", Journal of
Philosophical Research, 21: 149-182, 1996.
On science
- "Interpolating decisions"
(with Elliott
Sober), Australasian Journal of Philosophy 101(2):
327--339, 2023.
- "Special
Sciences, Conspiracy, and the Better Best System Account of
Lawhood" (with Craig
Callender), Erkenntnis 73: 427-447, 2010.
- "A Better
Best System Account of Lawhood" (with Craig
Callender), Philosophical Studies, 145(1):1-34,
- "Counterfactuals,
Probabilities, and Information: Response to
Critics" (with Aaron
Meskin), Australasian Journal of Philosophy, 86(4):
635-642, 2008.
- "An Objective
Counterfactual Theory of Information" (with Aaron
Meskin), Australasian Journal of Philosophy,
84(3):333-352, 2006.
- "There is No
Special Problem About Scientific
Representation" (with Craig
Callender) , Theoria, 55: 67-85, 2006 (special
issue on scientific representation).
- "On An Alleged
Non-Equivalence Between Dispositions And Disjunctive
Properties", British Journal for the Philosophy of
Science, 53(1): 77-81, 2002.
On aesthetics